CORREA : 68,28%
NOBOA : 31,72%
09h24: Resultados parciales, segunda vuelta al 47,73%
El Comercio dice:
08:50 Con el 47,73% de los votos escrutados, Correa tiene el 68,28 % y Noboa el
31,72%Según el portal de internet del Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE), con
17 476 de las 36 613 mesas del país contabilizadas, Rafael Correa obtiene 2 018
740 votos, mientras que Noboa consigue 937 910 votos.
1 comentario:
Why not start a blog for the larger world, Andres - you can put your book on Amazon. There are thousands of books in Spanish there! I know the time is right. My friends and colleagues are all talking about your subject and want to read your book! Next the translation to English to share it with a larger population.
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